Tuesday, November 24, 2015

6th Grade AVID Elective begins winter term!!!

We have selected 26, amazing students to start our AVID Elective at Kraxberger! Class begins December 7th, 2015. Acceptance letters and signed contracts must be turned in to 6th period teachers ASAP!! 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Applicant Interviews 10/20-10/29

Each applicant will have an opportunity to interview. Letters of acceptance and regret will be delivered to students by November 20th.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Accepting Applications for AVID: Due OCTOBER 8th

Interested in applying for the AVID Elective class? 

Here's what to do: 
1. Get a yellow application from your teacher/office
2. Fill out the application
3. Return the application to the office by October 8th

Then wait for....
1. An interview with a teacher or principal 
2. A letter letting you know if you were accepted or not
3. Class begins winter term!

For more information, contact Ms. Tattam: tattamt@gladstone.k12.or.us

Saturday, July 25, 2015

AVID is coming to Kraxberger!

We are seeking applicants for the first AVID cohort in the Gladstone School District for the 2015-16 school year

Please come to a parent orientation on September 29th at 6:30 to learn more about the program from AVID Coordinator and Elective Teacher, Ms. Tattam and Kraxberger's new principal, Becky Lukens.

The AVID Elective class begins in early December (beginning of Trimester 2). 

For further information, please see the official AVID website or contact Ms. Tattam.  

Thank you!! 
Tauna Tattam
503.655.3636 Ext. 521